Las teorias evolutivas europeas sobre todo del siglo XIX parecen estar fuertemente ideologizadas. Especialmente con la idea de la superioridad racial del hombre blanco y de su civilización occidentel y la religión cristiana.
Es por eso que se busca el origen del Homo Sapiens en Europa, es decir, el ser humano inteligente necesariamente tenia que ser europeo occidental.
En el siglo XIX comienza una fuerte expansion imperialista europea hacia otros continetes, especialmente Africa y Asia.
No era la primera vez que Europa occidental se expandia hacia fuera, en el siglo XVI ya lo habian hecho españoles y portugueses.
Ahora sin embargo son principalmente Inglaterra y Francia, a los que se agrega Alemania y otros estados europeos menores.
Este imperialismo europeo se justificaria con la idea de la mision civilizadora del hombre blanco europeo occidental y cristiano. Ellos debian llevar la civilización y la verdadera religión a los pueblos barbaros.
Los pueblos de Africa deben haber sido considerados los mas barbaros, en cambio los de Asia, especialmente China, Japon e India tenian una gran civilización, seguramente se penso que algo les habia faltado para llegar a ser mas poderosos, posiblemete se les considero civilizaciones estancadas, sobre todo en el pasado, mientras los europeos eran el presente y el futuro.
Una idea popular era que la raza blanca era mas antigua, los negros eran mas nuevos y eso explicaba su aparente salvajismo, su vida primitiva.
Tardaron en darse cuenta que los antiguos egipcios y los olmecas, según las esculturas que nos han llegado, son negroides.
Puede ser que la evolucion funcione no paulatinamente, sino mediante grandes saltos evolutivos cuanticos; por ejemplo la explosion o revolucion cambrica, es decir, de formas simples se pasa a formas complejas en tiempos historicos breves.
Otro ejemplo es la revolucion neolitica, tambien en un corto periodo de tiempo se pasa de formas simples de vida a formas complejas, incluyendo el origen del estado, la forma mas compleja de vida organizada que conocemos.
Tambien podemos citar la revolucion industrial y la revolucion francesa que produjieron grandes cambios globales en la sociedad europea occidental.
Después de estas revoluciones que se caracterizan por el cambio acelerado, parece que viene un largo periodo de asentamiento de lo nuevo donde se busca la estabilidad, la reestructuracion del medio, el medio ambiente tiene que reorganizarse para adaptarse lo recien creado, asimilar lo nuevo. Esto demora mas tiempo, es lento y gradual.
The European evolutionary theories mainly of the XIX century they seem ideologizadas to be strongly. Especially with the idea of the white man's racial superiority and of their civilization occidentel and the Christian religion.
It is for that reason that the origin of the Homo Sapiens is looked for in Europe, that is to say, the intelligent human being necessarily taenia that to be European western.
In the XIX century a strong European imperialistic expansion begins toward other continetes, especially Africa and Asia.
It was not the first time that western Europe expanded toward it was, in the XVI century they had already made it Spanish and Portuguese.
Now however they are mainly England and France, to those that one adds Germany and other smaller European states.
This European imperialism would be justified with the idea of the western European white man's mission civilizadora and Christian. They should take the civilization and the true religion to the terrible towns.
The towns of Africa have been consider those but barbarians, on the other hand those of Asia, especially China, Japan and India had a great civilization, it was surely thought that they had lacked something to end up being but powerful, posiblemete is considered stagnant civilizations, mainly in the past, while the Europeans were the present and the future.
A popular idea was that the white race was but old, the blacks were but new and that explained its apparent savagery, its primitive life.
They took in realizing that the old ones Egyptian and the Olmecan ones, according to the sculptures that have arrived us, are negroid.
It can be that the evolution works not gradually, but by means of big quantum evolutionary jumps; for example the explosion or cambrian revolution, that is to say, in simple ways he/she spends to complex forms in brief historical times.
Another example is the neolithic revolution, also in a short period of time he/she spends from simple ways of life to complex forms, including the origin of the state, the form but complex of organized life that know.
We can also mention the industrial revolution and the French revolution that produjieron big global changes in the western European society.
After these revolutions that are characterized by the quick change, it seems that he/she comes a long period of establishment of the new thing where the stability, the restructuring of the means, the environment is looked for he/she has to be reorganized to adapt it recently created, to assimilate the new thing. This delays but time, is slow and gradual.
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