Tuesday, August 15, 2006


In the natural world they have occurred diverse roads, from him but simple to him but complex. The hominizacion and the humanization was or it is a crucial aspect in the evolution of the life. In the paleolithic one there was an intense experimentation of different roads, that is to say different species that could have been transformed into the dominant intelligent species of the planet. At the end I am the Homo Sapiens Sapiens, but this doesn't mean him to be the end of the biological evolution. What gets the attention is the intense paleolithic experimentation, in those millions of years several evolutionary alternatives were proven. That indicates that this stage of the evolution is really interesting and that it deserves bigger attention that the one that is habitually given. The problem resides in that have the populations' few samples and its cultures. Their beliefs, their physiognomies, feelings, ideas,etc, alone we have some few evidences sufficient in law to reconstruct the they were. You depends much of the investigator's capacity to be located in the moment and the place, that is to say, you depends on a personal ability of somebody to understand what happened he/she makes millions of years. This ability difficultly can become trained in the university, although it is probable that there it can be perfected. But the fundamental thing to understand the paleolithic world is the ideologies of the investigators which are fundamental in the interpretations of any process where human beings intervene. The culture and the time or historical moment that the investigator lives are kind of a filter that alone it allows to pass part of the information and it discards the rest like not outstanding or it not even perceives it.

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