Los procesos historicos de la especie humana son fundamentalmente dos: hominizacion y humanizacion.
En el primero de algo que no era propiamente humano surgio algo humano; en el segundo, que estamos viviendo, los seres humanos nos estamos haciendo propiamente humanos.
En la etapa de humanizacion nos falta mucho camino por recorrer, es una luz que brilla al final de un camino. Algunos humanos quizas han alcanzado ese objetivo, se les puede llamar santos, bodisattvas, profetas, gurues, maestros ascendidos, etc.
El final del camino, la plena humanizacion, equivaldría al reino de los cielos cristiano, o al nirvana budista, con la diferencia de que no seria algo individual como lo ha sido hasta ahora; esta vez se trata de toda una especie, no una sociedad especifica, repito, toda la especie humana viviria en lo que podriamos calificar, sin saber bien de que se trata, del paraíso.
Este paraíso, no esta perdido, porque no se situa en el pasado, sino en el futuro. Es un paraíso no encontrado aun, mejor dicho, un paraíso inconcluso, uno que estamos construyendo dia a dia.
Hay muchas preguntas sin respuesta. Porque se inicio la hominizacion, requesito esencial de la humanizacion, sin humanos no puede haber humanizacion.
Cuando comenzo y cuando termino la hominizacion, si es que ha terminado. Personalmente pienso que la obra gruesa de la hominizacion ya esta concluida y se estan afinando detalles. La hominizacion es el soporte biologico de la hominizacion, la base material.
Como podemos saber cuando aparecio propiamente el primer humano? Es tan antiguo este proceso que pienso que lo unico que podemos verificar son los productos culturales materiales. Es decir, estos primeros humanos se habrian manifestado como tales a traves de artefactos, pinturas y restos materiales que los diferenciaran claramente de los no humanos.
Cual sera el primer artefacto humano de la historia? Quiza nunca lo sabremos asi que tenemos que conformarnos con el artefacto humano mas antiguo conservado y suponer que hubo otros antes, quizas mucho mas antiguos y que nunca conoceremos.
El final de la humanizacion puede ser tambien el final de la especie humana. Después vendria otra especie no humana a ocupar nuestro lugar, como nosotros quizas ocupamos el lugar de nuestros antecesores. El proceso entonces ya no seria humanizacion sino otro que en este momento no puedo imaginar.
Sabado 22 de julio de 2006
The historical processes of the human species are fundamentally two: hominizacion and humanization.
In the first one of something that was not properly human something arose human; in the second that we are living, the human beings are becoming properly human.
In the humanization stage we lack a lot of road to travel, it is a light that shines at the end of a road. Some humans maybe have reached that objective, you/they can be called saints, bodisattvas, prophets, gurues, ascended teachers, etc.
The end of the road, the full humanization, would be equal to the Kingdom of the Christian skies, or to the Buddhist nirvana, with the difference that not serious something singular as it has been up to now it; this time it is an entire species, don't unite society it specifies, I repeat, the whole human species would live in what we could qualify, without knowing well that it is, of the paradise.
This paradise, not this lost one, because it is not located in the past, but in the future. It is not a paradise even found, rather, an unconcluded paradise, one that are building day by day.
There are many questions without answer. Because you beginning the hominizacion, essential requesito of the humanization, without humans cannot have humanization.
When it began and when I finish the hominizacion, if it is that it has finished. Personally I think that the thick work of the hominizacion already this concluded and they are tuning particulars. The hominizacion is the biological support of the hominizacion, the material base.
As we can know when he/she appeared the first human properly? It is so old this process that I think that the only thing that we can verify is the products cultural materials. That is to say, these first humans would have shown as such through devices, paintings and material remains that differentiated them clearly not of those human.
Which the first human device of the history will be? We will maybe never know so it we have to conform to with the preserved human but old device and to suppose that there was other before, maybe a lot but old and that we will never know.
The end of the humanization can also be the end of the human species. Then another non human species would come to occupy our place, as us maybe occupy the place of our predecessors. The process then no longer serious humanization but another that at this time cannot imagine.
Saturday July 22 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
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